Leek flower cultivation techniques

Leek flower, also known as silk flower or bryophyte, is a bud of leeks that contains medlars. It contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and other nutrients, which promote digestion. Leek flower is generally the first year of the next year, the second year can be high yield, and can continue

Precautions for pear tree summer pruning management

It is understood that summer pruning can lay the foundation for increasing production and can control prosperity. The summer pruning methods of pear trees mainly include pulling branches, opening angles, sparse branches, wiping buds and topping. 1. Open

Introduction to ACE UltraCore Core-Shell (UHPLC) Column…

ACE® UltraCoreTM Ultra-inert solid core column with ultra-inert solid core particles with extended pH stability 2.5μm and 5μm ultra-pure solid (superficially porous) particles Monodisperse particle distribution combines high efficiency with low pressure UHPLC column efficiency and perfo

What to do if walnut leaves turn yellow

Yellowing of walnut leaves, also known as yellowing disease, is a common disease in alkaline soil. The main reason is that the soil in the walnut seedling orchard is alkaline or contains too much calcium carbonate, which causes the iron in the soil to chan

Open red pepper chemical redening method

The chemical reddening of dried capsicum is the use of plant growth regulators to promote the ripening of the fully developed fruits. Chemical redness is generally carried out using 40% ethephon 1000 times solution, spraying the plants 10-15 days before

Winter tube is the key to high yield of pepper

"In the winter, the pepper trees gradually stop growing and are in a dormant state. Using the peppercorns during winter dormancy for winter tube has many advantages, especially for the prevention and control of pepper diseases and insect pests, saving

The world's first diabetes management medical compa…

At the Microsoft Developer Summit in the beginning of the month, CEO Satya Nadella showed the world the direction of machine learning research, in which a company called Jianan Huaxia became the world's first application in the medical field. one's business Patner. Founded i