New CT contrast agent accurately locates bone tumors and provides ideas for other diseases diagnosis

New CT contrast agent accurately locates bone tumors and provides ideas for other diseases diagnosis

September 12, 2018 Source: Health News

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Recently, Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University and the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of East China Normal University and the research team of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry and Chemical Process Greening, Professor Bu Wenbo, have synthesized a new type of energy spectrum after nearly five years of research. CT contrast agent successfully achieved accurate imaging diagnosis of bone tumors. Related research papers were published in the high-level academic journal Advanced Functional Materials.

Computed Tomography (CT) is considered to be the most important diagnostic technique for skeletal diseases due to its high spatial and high-density resolution. However, due to imaging technology, CT is difficult to distinguish the tissue with similar X-ray attenuation coefficient, which limits the application of CT in the diagnosis of osteosarcoma and other diseases. In recent years, the new high-low dual-energy fast-interchange imaging energy spectrum CT technology has added many important functional parameters on the basis of preserving the advantages of traditional CT, and provided more diagnostic information for the imaging. It is expected to achieve accurate images of osteosarcoma. diagnosis.

The novel contrast agent utilizes a ruthenium-based rare earth upconversion luminescent material (NaLuF4:Yb/Er), wherein Lu3+ imparts excellent spectral CT performance to the contrast agent. The team personnel systematically studied the performance of sulfhydryl contrast agents in the parameters of the energy spectrum CT, and realized the material separation of substances with similar attenuation coefficients. The new contrast agent not only maintains a high level of signal on a single-energy image where all high-density material signals are suppressed to highlight the precise location of the tumor, but also produces a strong signal on the water-based map of the material separation map and surrounding normal bone tissue. In contrast, the precise positioning of osteosarcoma is finally achieved.

The successful synthesis of new energy spectrum CT contrast agents also provides new research ideas for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of other diseases, and has important research value and potential clinical application prospects. Next, the researchers will focus on the new clinical applications of energy spectrum CT. (Special correspondent Liu Yan correspondent Zhang Jiawen)

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