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Over the past few years, beauty and health supplements have became more and more popular. From improving the health of your skin, hair and nails to supplements that support your nervous system or provide the… View Post

{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "OUR OCTOBER SUPPLEMENT ROUND UP", "image": { "@type": "imageObject", "url": "https://blog.beautyflash.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/pexels-polina-tankilevitch-3873209-300x200.jpg", "height": "200", "width": "300" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Beauty Flash Blog", "logo": { "@type": "imageObject", "url": "https:/p3/img/placeholder-publisher.png" } }, "mainEntityOfPage": "our-october-supplement-round-up/", "url": "our-october-supplement-round-up/", "datePublished": "2024-10-28", "dateModified": "2024-10-28", "description": "Over the past few years, beauty and health supplements have became more and more popular. From improving the health of your skin, hair and nails to supplements that support your nervous system or provide the… <a href="our-october-supplement-round-up/" class="more-link">View Post</a>", "articleBody": "Over the past few years, beauty and health supplements have became more and more popular. From improving the health of your skin, hair and nails to supplements that support your nervous system or provide the… <a href="our-october-supplement-round-up/" class="more-link">View Post</a>", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Megan Braddell" } }

Say Goodbye To Dark Spots: Our Top Solutions for Skin Pigmentation

We’ve all been there – staring at the mirror, trying to figure out where those dark spots on your skin have came from and trying to figure out what products are best to get rid… View Post

{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Say Goodbye To Dark Spots: Our Top Solutions for Skin Pigmentation", "image": { "@type": "imageObject", "url": "https://blog.beautyflash.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/pexels-cottonbro-4004122-300x450.jpg", "height": "450", "width": "300" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Beauty Flash Blog", "logo": { "@type": "imageObject", "url": "https:/p3/img/placeholder-publisher.png" } }, "mainEntityOfPage": "say-goodbye-to-dark-spots-top-solutions-for-pigmentation/", "url": "say-goodbye-to-dark-spots-top-solutions-for-pigmentation/", "datePublished": "2024-10-11", "dateModified": "2024-10-11", "description": "We’ve all been there – staring at the mirror, trying to figure out where those dark spots on your skin have came from and trying to figure out what products are best to get rid… <a href="say-goodbye-to-dark-spots-top-solutions-for-pigmentation/" class="more-link">View Post</a>", "articleBody": "We’ve all been there – staring at the mirror, trying to figure out where those dark spots on your skin have came from and trying to figure out what products are best to get rid… <a href="say-goodbye-to-dark-spots-top-solutions-for-pigmentation/" class="more-link">View Post</a>", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Megan Braddell" } }


Just because summer is over doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to that gorgeous golden glow you’ve built up over the summer! Keeping your tan alive a little longer is easier than you think,… View Post

{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "OUR TOP TIPS TO PROLONG YOUR TAN", "image": { "@type": "imageObject", "url": "https://blog.beautyflash.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/pexels-angela-roma-7479968-300x450.jpg", "height": "450", "width": "300" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Beauty Flash Blog", "logo": { "@type": "imageObject", "url": "https:/p3/img/placeholder-publisher.png" } }, "mainEntityOfPage": "our-top-tips-to-prolong-your-tan/", "url": "our-top-tips-to-prolong-your-tan/", "datePublished": "2024-10-04", "dateModified": "2024-10-04", "description": "Just because summer is over doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to that gorgeous golden glow you’ve built up over the summer! Keeping your tan alive a little longer is easier than you think,… <a href="our-top-tips-to-prolong-your-tan/" class="more-link">View Post</a>", "articleBody": "Just because summer is over doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to that gorgeous golden glow you’ve built up over the summer! Keeping your tan alive a little longer is easier than you think,… <a href="our-top-tips-to-prolong-your-tan/" class="more-link">View Post</a>", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Megan Braddell" } }


As we bid goodbye to September 2024, we wanted to take a moment to share some of the most exciting makeup trends that have been taking the beauty world by storm this month and throughout… View Post

{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "SEPTEMBER 2024 MAKE-UP & BEAUTY TRENDS", "image": { "@type": "imageObject", "url": "https://blog.beautyflash.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/pexels-marcelo-moreira-988124-1926620-300x427.jpg", "height": "427", "width": "300" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Beauty Flash Blog", "logo": { "@type": "imageObject", "url": "https:/p3/img/placeholder-publisher.png" } }, "mainEntityOfPage": "september-2024-make-up-trends/", "url": "september-2024-make-up-trends/", "datePublished": "2024-09-27", "dateModified": "2024-09-27", "description": "As we bid goodbye to September 2024, we wanted to take a moment to share some of the most exciting makeup trends that have been taking the beauty world by storm this month and throughout… <a href="september-2024-make-up-trends/" class="more-link">View Post</a>", "articleBody": "As we bid goodbye to September 2024, we wanted to take a moment to share some of the most exciting makeup trends that have been taking the beauty world by storm this month and throughout… <a href="september-2024-make-up-trends/" class="more-link">View Post</a>", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Megan Braddell" } }

Which Pureology Product Is Best For Your Hair Type?

Everyone has a different hair type. It can range from dry, frizzy, fragile or chemically damaged. As a result, it can be hard to know exactly what haircare product is the right one for you… View Post

{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Which Pureology Product Is Best For Your Hair Type?", "image": { "@type": "imageObject", "url": "https://blog.beautyflash.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/pexels-oleksandra-23349887-2-300x472.jpg", "height": "472", "width": "300" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Beauty Flash Blog", "logo": { "@type": "imageObject", "url": "https:/p3/img/placeholder-publisher.png" } }, "mainEntityOfPage": "which-pureology-product-is-best-for-your-hair-type/", "url": "which-pureology-product-is-best-for-your-hair-type/", "datePublished": "2024-09-17", "dateModified": "2024-09-17", "description": "Everyone has a different hair type. It can range from dry, frizzy, fragile or chemically damaged. As a result, it can be hard to know exactly what haircare product is the right one for you… <a href="which-pureology-product-is-best-for-your-hair-type/" class="more-link">View Post</a>", "articleBody": "Everyone has a different hair type. It can range from dry, frizzy, fragile or chemically damaged. As a result, it can be hard to know exactly what haircare product is the right one for you… <a href="which-pureology-product-is-best-for-your-hair-type/" class="more-link">View Post</a>", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Megan Braddell" } }
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Processing high-throughput samples, intelligent reuse for large-capacity publishing, work surface: 200cm, 8 sample injection needles, 12 temperature-controlled incubation positions, 12 room temperature incubation positions, 32 plate storage positions, Sunrise microplate reader, HydroFlex plate washer, up to 512 specimens, sequential loading of samples, reagents, microplates Parallel loading of up to 6 plates for fast dispensing.

The automatic enzyme immunoassay analyzer is based on the principle that the enzyme and the substrate can produce a color reaction, the absorption lines of different substances have different characteristics, and strictly abide by the Lambert-Beer law, quantitative and qualitative analysis of substances. instrument. The method of analyzing the content of various enzymes such as antigen or antibody generally mainly adopts colorimetric method. In practice, spectrophotometry is the basic working principle of an automatic enzyme immunoassay analyzer. The light emitted by the light source lamp becomes a beam of monochromatic light after passing through a filter or a monochromator. The monochromatic light beam passes through the sample to be tested in the microtiter plate, and part of the monochromatic light beam is absorbed by the sample and reaches the photodetector. The intensity of the light signal projected on it is converted into the magnitude of the electrical signal by the photodetector. This electrical signal is processed by pre-amplification, logarithmic amplification, analog-to-digital conversion, etc., and then sent to the microprocessor for data processing and calculation, and the test results are output by the display and printer. The microprocessor completes the movement in the X and Y directions of the mechanical drive through the control circuit.
The automatic enzyme immunoassay analyzer adds the sample to the microwells of the pre-coated antigen or antibody microtiter plate, washes after the reaction, removes the unseparated ligand, then adds the enzyme isolate, after incubation, washes again , remove the unseparated compound, and then add the enzyme substrate, after the reaction, the colored final product is formed, and the stop solution is added to stop the reaction. The absorbance of each microwell of the microtiter plate is read by the wavelength that has been set by the spectrophotometer. The concentration value of the analyte in the sample is calculated by the absorbance value of the sample and the standard curve, so that the quantitative result can be obtained, or the absorbance of the sample is compared with that of the standard product, so that the positive or negative qualitative result can be obtained.

ELISA analyzer,enzyme immunoassay workstation,automatic enzyme immunoassay analyzer,automatic enzyme immunoassay system

Jilin Sinoscience Technology Co. LTD , https://www.jlgkscience.com