Astragalus membranaceus is a perennial herb of the leguminous family and uses roots as a medicine. It has functions such as replenishing gas, solidification, and detoxification. At present, the main cultivated species are Astragalus membranaceus (Northeast Astragalus) and cotton aphid (Mongolia Astragalus), which are mainly produced in Heilongjiang, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Gansu and Jilin provinces, and other provinces also have introduced. There are powdery mildew, brown spot, and rust on the aerial parts of Astragalus membranaceus, and on the ground, there are blight, purple feather disease, white feather disease, and root rot. Among them, powdery mildew, rust, and purple-lined feather disease are common and most serious. 1. Astragalus membranaceus mainly damages the leaves and can also infect the petioles, stems and capsules. The leaves initially produce a nearly round white patch, which quickly expands into a patch covered with a white powdery mildew layer that produces mycelium, conidial stems, and conidia for germs. In severe cases, the leaves and the whole plant are covered with white powder. The white powder turned gray during the later period, and black granules were produced in the mold layer, that is, the closed vesicles of the pathogen. The disease generally occurs in the production area of ​​yellow jaundice, causing the leaves to turn brown and brown and fall early. Astragalus powdery mildew is caused by Ascomycetes subtilis fungus and powdery mildew fungi. In the field of wintering in the field, the closed cystic shell with diseased plant residues will come out. In the next year, May-June, under suitable conditions of temperature and humidity, a large number of ascospores will be released after water absorption by the closed cysts, leading to the onset of primary infection. Hyphae can be overwintered on yellow astragalus buds and can also become infected in the coming year. Newly-produced conidiospores on the lesions were repeatedly infested by airflow. Powdery mildew can infect pathogens at 10°C-30°C and relative humidity above 25%. Conidial germination does not require water droplet conditions. On the contrary, the presence of water droplets will cause the spores to rupture due to excessive water absorption. Drought will reduce the resistance of the plants to powdery mildew, so it will happen when there is a certain humidity in the warm season. The onset begins from May to June every year, and the incidence rate can reach 100% from September to October. Excessive heat and drought and excessive rainfall will reduce the risk of powdery mildew. Insufficient fertilization or excessive nitrogen fertilizer, poor soil water or low-lying drainage, poor management, environmental shade, and lack of light cause plant growth to become weak, and powdery mildew occurs seriously. Prevention and control methods, complete removal of diseased bodies, strengthening of cultivation and management, rational close planting, attention to ventilation and light transmission between plants, and enhancement of plant disease resistance. Planted in a new planting area to avoid continuous cropping with legumes and planting on low-lying wet land. Fertilizers should be dominated by farmyard fertilizers, and the proportions of fertilizer N, P and K should be reasonably matched. Pre-disease or early onset of drug treatment should be carried out. Can be used 62.25% Xiansheng 600 times, 25% Trifenin 800 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl 800 times or 50% carbendazim 600 times spray, can also be sprayed wave US 0.3 degrees lime sulfur. 7-10 days spray 1, even spray 3-4 times. 2. Astragalus rust mainly damages the leaves. The diseased leaves appear faded green spots on the front and yellowish spots on the back. After the surface of the freckle cracked, the rust yellow summer spores were covered with full leaves, and the dark brown teliospore was produced later. Severe leaves cause dead leaves. Jaundice rust is caused by the basidiomycotina Puccinia erythraea. The pathogenic bacteria have a parasitism phenomenon, and the sexual spores and rust spores are parasitized in the plants of the genus Euphorbia and survive overwintering in the leaves of the reed diseased head. During the growing season, repeated infection with summer spores. Rust in the northeastern region from July to August is the peak period. High planting density in the field, too much nitrogen fertilizer, and high humidity and rainfall are favorable for disease. The prevention and control methods are selected from well-drained, sunny slopes and sandy soils with deep sandy soil. Thoroughly clean up the field sickness and reduce the number of bacterial sources for overwintering. In the early stage of onset of spraying, prevention and treatment can be used 25% triadimefon 600-800 times liquid, 62.25% cents 600 times liquid, 80% mancozeb 600-800 times liquid spray, or with the enemy rust sodium spray control. 3. Astragalus purple feather disease mainly damages the roots of plants more than one year old. The disease started from a small root and gradually spread to the main root. In the early stages of the disease, yellow-brown patches were not formed, and the appearance was slightly deeper than the normal root bark. The inner cortex tissue became brown, and the diseased and healthy junctions were obvious. The mycelium layer and mycelium have a reddish color and gradually become purple afterwards. Medicinal farmers are commonly referred to as "red root disease". Root surface of 1-2 mm hemispherical dark brown sclerotia. In the later stage, the root cortex was peeled off and the xylem was decayed. After the autumn, the size and shape of the mycelia block can be seen on the root surface and in the soil gap. Yellow leaves of diseased plants, debilitating or withered to death. Astragalus purple feather disease caused by basidiomycete subfamily Fungus fungus. Wide range of host bacteria, medicinal plants in addition to endangering the jaundice, but also harm Coptis, Codonopsis, Campanulaceae, Morinda, North Adenophora, Salvia, basil and so on. The pathogenic bacteria survive over the winter in the roots and soil with mycelia, rhiform bacteria, or sclerotia, and can survive for many years. The soft tissue that the host first invaded the fine roots causes softening and rot and then spreads to the main root. The germs are mainly spread through disease-prone contact and expansion of mycelium, and irrigation water and agricultural tools can also be transmitted. The spores are formed in the rainy season but have a short life span and cannot play a role in transmission. In the newly-cultivated wasteland and the woods, the occurrence of jaundice was heavy. The roots are trampled by livestock, injured and debilitated plants, and the soil is vulnerable to acidic disease. Astragalus can be diseased throughout the growing season, and the symptoms are most pronounced from August to September. As a control method, the purple-blade pathogen can survive for many years in the soil, and its host range is wide and it is not easy to eradicate. Prevention and control are mainly to strengthen the cultivation and management, enhance the growth potential and increase the resistance to disease, and carry out soil disinfection. In the cultivation of mountains and forests, the residual roots in the soil should be removed as much as possible, and no slag fertilization is used as basal fertilizer. Reasonable arrangements and non-host plant rotations. Lime 100 kg per 667 square meters to neutralize the acidity of the soil, the disease prevention effect is good. The diseased plants were immediately cleared and destroyed. Use 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000-fold, 50% benzene-based 1000-2000 times liquid or carbendazim and other drugs. Sick soil treatment can be applied lime nitrogen (20-25 kg/667 square meters) disinfection, but must be plowed into the soil early (2 weeks ago), the active ingredient cyanide ammonia decomposition into urea before planting. To properly drain and prevent humans and animals from stepping on the roots.
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