Dairy cows' summer management

The drinking water tank should be kept under constant water. It is best to drink low-temperature water. It should be ensured that the drinking water is fresh and clean, and appropriate amount of salt is fed. Feed more feeds that are conducive to cooling, juicy green, and not feed hot. Try to feed at night. Due to the heat of the day, the appetite of cattle is reduced, and at night the temperature is low. Supplementing feed forage and feed can increase feed intake. To open the window of the cowhouse, increase the air flow. Conditional ventilation equipment can be installed to reduce the temperature. When the temperature exceeds 34 degrees Celsius, it is best to rinse the body with cold water, subject to shower conditions. Cover the cows' windows, doors, and sports fields to shade. Disinfection Sterilize 5% of the Suer solution internally and externally, and fill the cesspit to eliminate the generation and interference of mosquitoes and flies.

The Q Switch Nd: YAG laser energy output can be absorbed by blue and black pigment granules in organic tissues, and the pigment granules will be therefore swelled to break out, and become more tiny granules by fission to be excreted out of the human body or phagocytized by macrophages and then metabolized away by lymphatic system, so as to realize pigment removal.

Equipped with the optional 1064nm 532nm 755nm probe, it can be also used to remove brown and red pigments and skin rejuvenation

Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment
Nd Yag Laser For Tattoo Removal is an advanced treatment designed to completely eliminate tattoos, without leaving scars or unpigmented areas of skin behind.
During a laser tattoo removal treatment, the laser`s high energy light breaks up the tattoo ink into tiny particles, which are gradually absorbed by the skin. Laser tattoo removal may cause slight discomfort, though a local anesthetic can be used to eliminate the pain.
Following a laser tattoo removal treatment, minor side effects such as red and tender skin may occur; however, these tend to diminish within three to seven days.

What Can I Expect During Laser Tattoo Removal?
Depending on the size and color of your tattoo, the number of treatments will vary. Your tattoo may be removed in two to four visits, though it may take as many as 10 more sessions. You should schedule a consultation, during which time a trained professional will evaluate your personal situation and advise you on the process.

Treatment with the q-switch nd yag laser tatoo removal varies from patient to patient depending on the age, size, and type of tattoo (amateur or professional). The color of the patient's skin, as well as the depth to which the tattoo pigment extends, will also affect the removal technique.

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Safe?
Thanks to newer technology, laser tattoo removal has become much more effective with very little risk of scarring. Laser treatment is often safer than many traditional methods such as excision, dermabrasion or salabrasion (using moist gauze pads saturated with a salt solution to abrade the tattooed area) because of its unique ability to selectively treat pigment involved in the tattoo.

Q-swiched Nd:Yag Laser

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Zhejiang Lasy Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. , http://www.lasylaseripl.com