Tattoo Machine is a simple device that is used to create a tattoo. Many models of the machine can be held easily in one hand.
Tattoo machine gun make it possible for the artist to move easily along the surface of the skin and drive colored pigment into the top layers of the dermal layering, creating the desired design.
Tattoo machines can be made of different material: Paddy Iron Tattoo Machine equipment, CNC Tattoo Machines, Brass Handmade Tattoos Machines, Damascus Tattoo Machine and AC Tattoo Guns.
Coil Tattoo Machine characteristics:
Stable needles,strong magnetic back seat.
runs with low noisy,not overheat.
Compatible with all standard power supply.
Easier to build your own design.
Coil Tattoo Machine
Tattoo Machine, Coil Tattoo Machine, Iron Tattoo Machines, Mini Tattoo Machine, Damascus Tattoo Machine
Paddy Irons Tattooo Factory ,