Azalea, also known as Azalea, belongs to the genus Rhododendron and is a typical indicator of acidity. Because of its colorful designs, exotic patterns, long flowering periods and different varieties, it is often loved by people. However, due to improper management methods, leaf yellowing caused by the fading and even death. Therefore, in the ordinary management, we must pay special attention to "four to four taboos." First, it should be warm and wet to avoid the hot sun too wet. Rhododendron should grow in a warm and humid environment. It should keep the basin soil moist, but it can't collect water. The water can easily cause the rot to cause death. If tap water, add appropriate amount of vinegar or ferrous sulfate to make the water acidic and then poured. If you wash rice with water and wash fish, meat and water must be fermented after smelling sour, diluted pouring roots. Each watering needs to be dry before pouring. In summer, the temperature is high. Under the hot sun, the young leaves are easily burned. The roots are near the surface of the earth and are prone to dry heat. Shading should be carried out to prevent the leaves from drying out and yellowing to affect the growth and appreciation. Second, it should be thinner and more fertilized. The roots of the azaleas are thin and shallow, and fertilization should be based on liquid manure. When fertilizing, the fermented soybean cake fertilizer and chicken manure should be poured into the water, once a week, too much fertility will lead to the whole plant withering and death. . Third, should avoid sticky. Du Fu Xi acidic soil, avoid calcareous alkaline soil and poor drainage of clay soil, soil viscous easy to plate water, is not conducive to growth, it is appropriate to use loose humus soil permeability is better. In the summer, the surface of potted soil is often covered with decomposed organic soil as ground cover, to enhance water storage and prevent over-drying, and to reduce the role of soil temperature to protect the roots and promote the growth of azaleas. Fourth, should be sour alkali. Indica is an indicator of acidity and is sensitive to the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. Therefore, whether it is watering, fertilizing, or changing basin soil should be mainly acidic, avoid alkaline water alkaline fertilizer application.
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