Deodorant 4 method

Add material. Adding 1% to 2% of charcoal slag in the chicken diet can make the feces dry and reduce odor; adding 2% to 5% of zeolite powder can reduce the moisture content and odor of the feces, and help improve the feed utilization rate. .

Smokehouse. Using equal parts and appropriate amount of Artemisia leaf, Cangzhu, Daqingye or garlic stalk, burning in the house, both sterilizing and deodorizing, especially when used in empty spaces.

Adsorption. Charcoal, activated carbon, coal cinder, quicklime, etc. have a strong adsorption effect. These substances with adsorption effect are loaded into net bags and hanged in a chicken house or sprinkled on the ground to absorb odors in the air.

Spraying medicine. Hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, copper sulphate, acetic acid, etc. have an odor suppressing effect; padding with 2% benzoic acid or 2% acetic acid, or using 4% copper sulphate and appropriate amount of slaked lime to pave the ground in the litter, can be Reduce the odor of the house.


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