The origin of the name of Qin Bawu

Origin of the name

"Qin Bawu Hao [1]" was produced in Zhenba County of Shaanxi Province. Its original name was "Mouth with tea," because the tea-picking girl was

Qin Ba Wu Hao

The tip of a tender tea is pointed inwards and ends in the mouth and is soaked in the mouth of the girl's mouth for more than ten minutes. Then she removes the air and fixes it. This tea was dedicated to the emperor as a tribute early in the Western Han Dynasty. According to legend, Liu Bang was named Hanzhong Wang, and often went to tea and tea in the tea ceremony in Yishanbangshui, drinking tea from the mouth of the town and returning to Renshan.

In December 1984, Prof. Chen Wei of the Department of Tea of ​​Anhui Agricultural College visited the town and visited the “Impressive tea”, which was a poetic name called “Qin Bawu”. “Qinba” refers to Zhenba in Shaanxi Province; “fog” refers to the natural environment where clouds and clouds are diffused; “much” refers to white and furry hairs around young leaves, which represent the quality of tea.

Qin Ba Wu Hao, with a registered trademark "Qinhuang card" famous. Department of Shaanxi Province Zhenba County Qinba Wumi Development Company (its predecessor was Zhenba County, Shaanxi Province Lin tea station), in 1984 the successful development of new green tea tea.

chemical composition

According to the Chinese Tea Research Institute, the content of effective ingredients in Qinba haze is: amino acid 3.04%. Amino acids are used by the body to make antibody proteins to fight bacterial and viral infections, to manufacture hemoglobin to deliver oxygen, and to make enzymes and hormones to maintain And regulate metabolism.

Caffeine 4.80%, caffeine can stimulate the central nervous system, enhance the excitement of the cerebral cortex, from the surface to enhance the spirit, enhance thinking and improve efficiency.

Tea polyphenols 27.81%, with antioxidant, detoxification, lipid-lowering effect, anti-cancer effect, anti-aging effect.

Selenium 0.76ppm, trace selenium has anti-cancer effect and protects the liver.