When the baby shows these signals, mothers should pay attention to the baby's food supplement.
See the food head in the bowl leaning forward, drooling, open mouth
When is the most scientific food supplement? What are the ways to add complementary foods? Add skills do you know?
The basis of children's health and early development is nutrition, and early nutrition inputs determine the quality and health of the later stages of life. Early losses caused by improper feeding are difficult to make up for.
Add food supplements from 6 months
Within 6 months after the child is born, she claims exclusive breastfeeding and continues breastfeeding until she is 2 years old or older, but she must start supplementing her food from 6 months.
The key age for infants to start supplementing food supplements is 6 months, because at this age, the infant's mouth develops mature nerves and muscles, can control the movement of the tongue well, start chewing activities and grow teeth, and increase the secretion of intestinal digestive enzymes. , Have better digestion, like new taste and taste.
Seeing that the food head is leaning forward and drooling is a feature that requires food supplements
How does a baby need to add a complementary food?
When the baby weighs 6.5-7 kg, he can lift his head when sitting correctly.
And the outstretched reflection disappeared. When the reflex means that the non-liquid item is placed in front of the mouth, the baby opens the mouth and extends the tongue forward and upward.
In addition, when the baby saw the food in the bowl, the head leaned forward, drooled, even opened his mouth, indicating that the baby was interested in semi-solid food, and at the same time frequent crying between the two feedings, indicating that simple feeding can no longer meet Children's needs. Another point is that babies have poor weight gain.
Parents should carefully observe the children's status and decide according to the children's situation whether supplementary foods should be added.
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