According to the JACC study, patients with atrial fibrillation have a high risk of death with a digoxin concentration of more than 1.2 ng/ml.
March 7, 2018 Source: China Circulation Author: xujing
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Patients with serum digoxin concentrations ≥1.2 ng/ml had a 56% increased risk of death compared with those who did not receive digoxin.
Further analysis showed that for every 0.5 ng/ml increase in serum digoxin concentration, the risk of death increased by 19%.
In addition, the researchers also found that patients with new digoxin increased the risk of death by 78% and the risk of sudden cardiac death by 1.3 times.
The study included 17 897 patients, and 5824 (32.5%) patients received digoxin treatment at baseline. The use of baseline digoxin is not associated with an increased risk of death.
Source: Lopes RD, et al. Digoxin and Mortality in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. JACC 2018, 71(10): DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2017.12.060.
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