In recent years, the increase in the amount of chemical fertilizers has resulted in a significant increase in the yield of maize, but some unscientific methods of application have reduced the utilization of fertilizers. This has not only wasted fertilizer, increased investment, but also destroyed the benign structure of the soil. The soil becomes increasingly salinized.
First, to avoid excessive fertilizer. Some peasant households use urea at a rate of more than 50 kilograms per mu when growing summer corn, which will result in a decrease in fertilizer utilization and corn quality, as well as soil contamination. To increase the yield and quality of corn, it is not possible to increase the amount of fertilizer alone, but also to improve fertilization methods and increase the use of fertilizers.
Second, avoid heavy light before. Pre-heavy and light-weight fertilization methods will result in a decrease in fertilizer use efficiency, adequate early fertilizer, good maize growth but excessive nutrient growth, closed fields, delayed reproductive growth, poor post-growth growth and even defertilization, and low maize yield. .
Third, to avoid a single fertilizer. Some peasant households only use urea when fertilizing summer corn fields. This adds nitrogen to corn and soil, and does not supplement corn and soil with phosphorus, potassium, and other nutrients. This will result in a decrease in the number of grains per ear, a decrease in grain weight, and a decrease in yield; the lodging resistance of maize will decline; the disease resistance and insect resistance of maize will be reduced, and pests and diseases will easily occur.
Fourth, avoid seedlings and fertilizers caused by improper mixing of seedlings. One is the large amount of fertilizer, and the amount of mu is often more than 7.5 kg. Second, the improper use of fertilizer varieties, if the application of urea and other fast-acting fertilizer, the amount of mu should be less than 5 kg; if the use of compound fertilizer, the amount can be slightly more. The third reason is the sowing of machinery. The horizontal distance between the sowing belt and the fertilization zone (less than 5 cm) is easy to cause burning. Species and fertilizer distance should be more than 10 cm.
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