Losing weight is actually very simple, just include the following three foods in your recipe

For women who want to lose weight, there is probably nothing more ideal than eating thin. Do not have to hungry to exercise, do not have to hold back the temptation of food, see other people eat special food, but they can only fruit fat food ... ... In fact, it is very simple, as long as the following three kinds of food included in your recipe, would like not Thin is hard!

Whole grain food

Whole grain foods can provide the body with a lot of nutrients it needs. A lot of food is good for your health. A lot of cellulose content can maintain a long-term satiety. Is the most suitable choice as a staple food in diet recipes. There are also many different types, and see if you like it!

Whole grain staple food Recommended: corn purple potato cereal potato milk black bean whole wheat bread


Banana has a magical weight loss effect and is recognized worldwide as a weight loss fruit. It is rich in dietary fiber, can effectively bowel movements, especially for the little stomacher, slimming effect is more obvious. In addition, it has a low calorie content and a strong sense of fullness. Rich enzymatic substances make digestion faster and do not easily cause fat accumulation.

Recommended Recipes: To mince the banana and honey, mix it with milk or yoghurt. The sweet and sour taste will satisfy the taste. Honey and dairy products will also provide more energy to the body!

[Low-fat nonfat yogurt]

Milk is rich in calcium. If you want to lose weight faster than others, choose a fat-free or low-fat yogurt. Yogurt can increase the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, and the taste of yogurt is sure that you will like the best slimming drink.

Recommended eating: If you add cereal or fruit in yogurt, the nutrition will be more balanced and the taste will be better.

If you eat and drink, you can lose weight. It is definitely easier to accept than hungry. With such a dietary habit, plus the right amount of exercise habits, you can make your own weight-loss plan, which will surely make you eat, drink, and drink!


Protective Clothing

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