Scientists are finding that myopia cells in myopia are expected to be developed

Scientists are finding that myopia cells in myopia are expected to be developed

February 15, 2017 Source: Bio Valley

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Recently, in a research report published in the international journal Current Biology , researchers from Northwestern University of Northwestern University discovered a new cell in the retina when the cell appeared functional. Myopia can cause myopia, and this particular cell abnormality may be directly related to the time when children are away from natural light indoors.

Researcher Greg Schwartz said the findings in this study provide new clues for developing new therapies to control myopia, with more than 1 billion people worldwide suffering from myopia, and the incidence of myopia is increasing over time, and The occurrence of myopia is also related to the time when children do not touch natural light indoors. The newly discovered retinal cells of the researchers are very sensitive to light, which can control the growth and development of the individual's eyes. If the cells direct the eyes to grow, the images will not accumulate in the retina, which will cause myopia; during child development, Eyes often need to stop growing at the right time.

Scientists have long known that the retina contains a special signal that collects images in the eye, and that this signal is important for the regulation of eye growth during childhood development. At present, researchers are not clear which cells in the eye can carry this signal. In this paper, researchers have discovered a link to this critical deficiency. They believe that this key cell can actually perform this function. The cell is named "ON Delayed", which slowly reacts to the increasingly bright light.

The indoor spectrum has a high contrast of red and green, which activates a group of photoreceptors in the human eye, producing equivalent artificial contrast images in the retina, while the retinal ganglion cells (ON Delayed) in the human eye may be This pattern is over-stimulated, causing abnormal overgrowth of the eye and eventually causing myopia. To carry out this study, the researchers used micro-glass electrodes to record electrical signals in mouse retinal cells while exhibiting optical pattern changes in the eye in digital projectors; the next step was to find the newly discovered retina The cell is searched for a specific gene, and then the expression of the gene is turned on or off in a mouse model to induce or cure myopia in the mouse.

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