New compounds can kill a quarter of known types of cancer

Scientists have developed a new compound that can effectively inhibit the growth of many cancer models in the laboratory, including up to a quarter of known types of cancer.

The molecular name is S63845, which works by inhibiting MCL1 protein, and many different types of cancer cells rely on MCL1 growth. If there is no MCL1, the cancer cells will die out.

The findings could help researchers treat blood cancers such as acute myeloid leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. This compound can also be used in solid tumors, including melanoma, lung cancer, and breast cancer tumors.

Guillaume Lessene, a researcher at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Australia, said: "MCL1 is important for many cancers because it is a pro-survival protein that allows cancer cells to evade cell death. The process of death, which usually removes cancer cells out of the body. Expanded studies of various cancer models have shown that S63845 can eliminate tumor cells that depend on MCL1 for survival."

The body's immune system is hard to kill cancer cells because they can evolve and spread quickly and escape the process of cell death. The use of chemical drugs or radiation therapy is an effective way to fight cancer cells, but these techniques can also kill healthy cells, causing debilitating side effects.

The excellent thing about S63845 is that it can be used in doses that do not harm normal cells, in addition to the life support system that cuts cancer.

The compound is the latest development in a new class of anticancer drugs (BH3 mimetics) that target a class of proteins that cancer cells rely on to escape cell death.

Lessen said: "BH3 mimetics can inhibit a class of proteins, the so-called 'promoting BCL-2 protein', which belongs to this protein and inhibits it to activate the process of cell death."

It is worth noting that the study is still in the preclinical phase and the researchers need to conduct further testing before humans can safely take the drug. But the early results are very encouraging.

In fact, this molecule can be used to treat more types of cancer in the future.

Hematologist Andrew Wei said: "This discovery brings hope to patients. We believe that S63845 is a precise drug that can truly fight cancer. With future research and discovery, this compound may be suitable for other types of cancer. "

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