Vaccine For Prevention Of Rabies
Rabies vaccine is used in two ways. Rabies vaccine is given to persons who have been exposed (eg, by a bite, scratch, or lick) to an animal that is known, or thought, to have rabies. This is called post-exposure prophylaxis. Rabies vaccine may also be given ahead of time to persons who have a high risk of getting infected with rabies virus. These persons include veterinarians, animal handlers, or travelers who will spend more than 1 month in countries having a high rate of rabies infection, and persons who live, work, or take vacations in wild areas of the country where they are likely to come into contact with wild animals
Vaccine For Prevention Of Rabies,Human Rabies Vaccine Adjuvant,Human Rabies Shot Procedure,Rabies Immunity After Vaccination
Changchun Zhuoyi Biological Co., Ltd ,