7 oatmeal diet recipes away from obesity

What to eat to lose weight? This problem is one of the most important issues for MM who want to lose weight. Diet and exercise are two basic ways to lose weight. Eating slimming diet foods can help the process of losing weight. Xiao Bian share 7 oatmeal diet recipes, healthy and nutritious, so that you can easily eat a good body. Do you often worry about not having time for work and nutrition? Whether or not you are still worried about the food you eat, let Xiaobian introduce you to several oatmeal diet recipes. It is quick and easy, and the most important thing is to make you lose weight. Yogurt oats diet Material: 200ml yogurt, 1 bowl of oatmeal Usage: Stir well, eat as early as lunch and dinner 3 times a day. Milk oatmeal Take appropriate amount of milk, oats and rice 50 grams, a little sugar, water purification amount. 1. Pour the oats into the casserole and pour the appropriate amount of water. 2. Then the casserole lit, like the usual porridge, wait until the porridge into a mature eight, drenched milk and mix thoroughly until the boil, add sugar and stir well. Shantou Oatmeal Take 50 grams of steamed bread, 50 grams of oat rice, a little honey, water purification amount. 1. Wash the taro with a taro, cut it into a slant knife, wash it with oats, and put it into the pot. Pour a proper amount of water. 2. Set the pan to a fire and stir it until it boils, then cook it over low heat. 3. Congee the porridge into a bowl, mix with honey and mix well for breakfast. Oat glutinous rice porridge Take 100 grams of rice, 30 grams of oats, 10 grams of white sugar. 1. The oat flour; glutinous rice panning clean, soaked in cold water for half an hour, picked up, drain water. 2. Put the glutinous rice into the pot, add about 1000 ml of cold water, boil it first and then use a small fire to boil. 3. When the porridge is half-cooked, mix the oat flour with cold water and mix well and put it into the pot. Stir well. After the glutinous rice is overripe, add sugar to flavor it. Macadamia Almond Ingredients: Almond 130g, oatmeal 50g, strawberry 200g, pea 20g, soybean meal 20g, salt 2g, monosodium glutamate 3g, dried chilli 5g, dry starch 10g, salad oil 250g (15g actual consumption) ). practice: 1. Cut the whole almond into two halves (transversely cut); add peas with salt to marinate and fry crisps; crisp oatmeal; deep-fried lobster sauce; 2. Fry the dried chili peppers, add almonds, tempeh, and other ingredients to fry the pan. 3. Wash the strawberries together and serve them. Red bean oatmeal Materials: 30 grams of oats, 30 grams of skim milk, 50 grams of honey, red beans, water, and a little sugar. practice: 1, first add oats boiled for a while, raw oats usually cook about half an hour to cook, if cooked oats, you can just go directly to this step. 2, when the oats have begun to thicken when you can pour milk, and here we must pay attention to the oats do not start to put too much water, or milk no taste. 3, the milk is hot, you can put the red beans down, according to personal taste, like to put more points, then turn off the fire on OK. Minced Pork Cereal Main materials: 150 grams of oatmeal, 150 grams of pork, one egg and 20 grams of diced green onions. Seasoning: Appropriate amount of cooked lard, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, cooking wine, and water starch Method: The pork lean meat into mud, transferred to cooking wine, salt egg liquid, water starch stir into a meat paste. Oatmeal soaked with 250 grams of water and 500 grams of broth with a slow fire porridge, slowly transferred to lard, pepper, monosodium glutamate, then topped with lard and scallion can be.