Management method for increasing yield of late-seeding wheat

Although the late sowing wheat has the disadvantages of small pre-winter seedling age and fewer tillers, it is generally good at the bottom of the field and the fertilizer is sufficient, and there is basically no shortage of fertilizer during the jointing period of the green period. If it can be pressed early in the spring, it can be controlled carefully before jointing and after jointing. The management of four points such as swiftness, disease prevention and weed control, etc. may still yield about 500 kilograms per mu.

First, the spring early spring wheat field when the thawing two retracement, can play a loose soil permeability, increase the temperature, maintain soil moisture, promote root development, wheat seedlings long hair early. According to a survey conducted in late March, the temperature of the wheat field in the crop plots was increased by 1°C to 2°C, and the secondary roots were increased by 2 to 3 lines.

2. The outstanding feature of carefully controlling the general late-sowing wheat field before jointing is that the total number of stems per mu is insufficient before winter. Therefore, the use of greenish-fungi water can effectively expand the population and strive to produce more spikes. However, it is not recommended to top-dress water before jointing. Invalidity control springs, to promote the pre-winter panicle into a panicle, to achieve the best yield.

Third, the practice of swift promotion after jointing shows that the jointing stage of late-seeding wheat field water and fertilizer assault, not only effectively improve the rate of spikes in wheat, increase the number of grains per panicle, but also promote the growth of flag leaves, their leaves and spikes and stem sections, improve the The photosynthetic efficiency in the later period increases wheat 1000-grain weight and the amount of topdressing fertilizer is appropriate. It can be used on the basis of the base fertilizer in the past years. Mu recovery is 20-25 kg of urea or 50-75 kg of ammonium bicarbonate. And combined with good pouring ear water, flowering grouting water.

Four, pests and weeds comprehensive prevention and control of weeds in the jointing of the wheat, that is, 2 weeds 1 heart when the removal of governance. The wheat pests are mainly aphids, and the disease is mainly powdery mildew. Based on accurate prediction and prediction, comprehensive prevention and control can be performed with dimethoate, triadimefon or thiophanate-methyl in the best drug application period (mid-May). 2 times, in order to meet the demand for nutrients in the late growth stage of late-seeding wheat, it can be combined with spraying aqueous solution of potassium sulfate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other aqueous solutions for pest control to increase the grain weight.


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