

Organic Beetroot Powder

Organic beetroot powder is made from organic beets that are dehydrated and then ground into a powder. Retaining all the protective nutrients of ripe beets, this powder is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, and nitrate. The American Heart Association reports on a preliminary study, where a test group of people with high blood pressure consumed beetroot juice each day had a decrease in their blood pressure for the next 24 hours. With the highest sugar content of all the vegetables, organic beetroot powder is becoming increasingly popular as a sweetening substitute. Beet powder/juice powder is used to flavor carrot, celery, and other vegetable juices, while also being used to add color to a variety of foods and beverages. Commercially they`re also added to salad dressings, spaghetti sauces, and tomato products (juices and sauces).

Beetroot Powder,Organic Beet root Powder,Beetroot Juice Powder,Organic Beet root Juice Powder

Organicway (xi'an) Food Ingredients Inc. , https://www.organicwayinc.com