Sodium humate is mainly used as a solution after pouring, seed dressing or foliar fertilizer. Among them, 0.05%-0.1% formulated as a basal fertilizer, Mushi 200-250 kg, preferably with farmyard fertilizer; Mushi 150-200 kg of topdressing, with the water application or pouring plant roots. The concentration of soaking or foliar spraying before planting is 0.05%-0.5%, the soaking time is generally 5-10 hours, and that of rice and cotton is 24 hours; the foliar spraying should be carried out from the time of flowering to the early stage of grouting; 3 times.
Ammonium humate application method and dosage are the same as those of sodium humate. Only when soil moisture is sufficient and irrigation conditions are good can the fertilizer effect be fully exerted.
The water-soluble fertilizer containing humic acid is added with an appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium or trace elements in humic acid. In terms of application methods, water-soluble solid or liquid products are mainly foliar fertilizers, seed fertilizers or soaking and dipping, and are generally diluted by about 800 times. A large number of elemental water-soluble fertilizers containing humic acid can also be used as base fertilizers or top dressings, but due to the high cost and limited application amount, they should be applied in conjunction with farmyard fertilizers and conventional fertilizers.
Humic acid fertilizer is used as base fertilizer and seed fertilizer is better than top dressing. At the same time, humic acid fertilizers can not completely replace inorganic fertilizers and farmyard fertilizers. They must be used together with chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers, especially in combination with phosphate fertilizers.
Different kinds of humic acid fertilizers have different input ratios, different manufacturing methods, and there are great differences in nutrient content, so it is necessary to grasp appropriate concentrations when applying them.
Potassium humate and sodium humate are mostly hormonal fertilizers. They are cold and cold after application, and they are effective in hot weather. If the temperature is appropriate, it will be effective in 18 hours. If the temperature is higher than 38°C, it will accelerate the respiration of the crop and reduce the dryness. Material accumulation, resulting in reduced production, should stop the application or reduce the number of applications and dosage.
Immunity refers to the defense system in the body, just like the military protects human health. immunity can have
It is very important to prevent the body from being invaded by foreign pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Therefore, properly improving immunity and maintaining normal immune function are the keys to resisting infections such as viruses.
How to enhance immunity
Food is the foundation, and at the same time ensure adequate sleep, avoid excessive tension and stress, and then exercise properly, for the improvement of High immunity is also very important. Some patients with particularly low immune function or critically ill patients, intravenous infusion gamma globulin helps to improve immune function, but for normal people, this is not an appropriate method.
Immune function is very important to maintain the balance of the body, but it must also be clear that immunity is important to a person.It is not that the higher the better, autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid joints are caused by Diseases caused by an overactive immune system. The stability of the immune system balance is very important for the body Crucially, keeping the immune system normal is the most important thing.
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