Summer Celery seedlings

1 Seed cold treatment of cilantro like cool environment, summer planting without direct germination and direct sowing, one month is also difficult to emerge. Therefore, seeds should be soaked for 12 hours before sowing, drained with gauze and moistened and wrapped in water wells or placed in a refrigerator (appropriately 10-10°C) for 8-10 days, then placed in high temperature environment Germination, but also direct sowing. 2 Shading with shading holes, shading nets, bamboo curtains, and waste films can be used to shade seedlings. From seeding until late August, seedlings are always allowed to grow under shading protection, and shading can be done in late August. 3 Increase the distance between seedlings after planting Qimiao first and then go seedlings and over-miao. After the second half of the seedlings, the seedling spacing was 1-1.5 cm. The third time the seedlings were planted after 1 month, keeping the seedling spacing at 4--5 cm. Each time after the seedlings, a small water pressure root is poured. 4 Spraying weed herbicide bed weeds is the key to the success of seedlings. Spraying herbicides after sowing is an important measure to control weeds on the seedlings of the celery. The herbicide should be sprayed in two days after sowing. Herbicides suitable for use on seedbeds include herbicidal ethers, felsicone, and the like. Apply 120-180 grams per acre bed, spraying 75 kg per acre evenly on the surface.

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