Do not forget trunk whitening during dormancy

With the advent of winter, the temperature dropped, the leaves fell to the roots, the nutrient returned, the photosynthesis and absorption of the tree ceased, and the resistance decreased. In addition, the trees in the dormant period lost the shade of the leaves, and the branches were exposed to the entire nature. In the middle, prone to frost damage and sunburn phenomenon, weakening the tree vigor, affecting the annual output, and even causing tree death.

Dormant trunk whitening not only can prevent sunburn and frost damage of fruit trees, but also can eliminate a large number of pathogens and pests that overwinter over trunks. It is an important measure for pest control and tree protection in dormant fruit trees.

The proportion of whitening agent is: 10 parts of lime, 2 parts of lime sulfur, 1-2 parts of salt, 2 parts of clay and 35-40 parts of water. It is best to use white 2 times, the first time after defoliating fruit trees until the soil is frozen, the second time in early spring.

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