Cod liver oil is not standard for infants and young children

Cod liver oil is not a "standard" diet for infants and young children

Vitamins A and D are essential fat-soluble vitamins for the body, neither lacking nor overdosing. The main components of cod liver oil are vitamin A and vitamin D, both of which are essential fat-soluble vitamins.

The human body needs comprehensive, balanced nutrients to meet the needs of the body. Essential nutrients include protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Among them, vitamins are classified into water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins according to their solubility. Water-soluble vitamins can be excreted in urine and generally do not accumulate in the body. Fat-soluble vitamins are not excreted in the urine and there is a risk of excessive intake. This is also a place where nutrients are different from common harmful substances. They can neither be lacking nor overdosed. Therefore, attention must be paid to high and low intakes.

Infant formula milk powder has strict requirements on various nutrients. Infants and young children generally do not cause excess nutrients due to ingestion of formula powder. Infants and infants who use formula powder do not need to supplement additional cod liver oil. Under normal circumstances, dietary intake of excess nutrients is not likely, especially in infants and young children, due to the limitations of gastric capacity, breastmilk or formula powder nutrient content is relatively stable, so the risk of excessive dietary intake of nutrients is relatively small. Most of the information indicated or experts suggested that if formula milk powder is used, no additional supplementation of cod liver oil is required (because the various nutrients in formula milk powder have been strictly formulated according to the nutritional needs of infants and young children).

Pure breast-feeding infants and young children may be given vitamin D supplements under the guidance of a doctor when the sun is not sufficient. After this view was reported, public opinion concentrated more on infants and young children that should not use cod liver oil or vitamin A and D preparations. A large number of literature and clinical and paediatric experts have shown that exclusively breast-fed infants and young children can be supplemented with vitamin D preparations under the guidance of a doctor if their sunshine is not sufficient. (Currently, drug-grade cod liver oil drops are commonly available on the market. Capsules). However, if additional supplements are provided without the guidance of a clinician, the issue of their intake needs attention. In addition, neither the CAC nor the EU listed cod liver oil on the list of raw materials for nutritional fortifiers. The National Health and Family Planning Commission recently stated that cod liver oil is an item listed in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China. There is no traditional eating habit in China and it does not belong to ordinary food.

Experts recommend that consumers do not blindly oversupply nutrients for infants and young children, such as through the daily diet can not meet the growth needs, can be prescribed to supplement nutrients.



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