Orchard pests winter and spring pollution prevention

In the winter season, various pests that harm the orchards have lurked in winter. Therefore, the use of living habits of pests during winter, effective killing all kinds of orchard pests is to alleviate the summer and fall pests, to achieve a good opportunity to kill one hundred. Below, the major pollution-free prevention and control techniques of major pests in winter or spring are described as follows:

Non-pollution prevention of terpenoid pests

1. After the winterization of forestry measures, when the orchards are managed in winter, the old bark of the fruit trees shall be completely scraped off, the debris on the trees shall be removed, and the branches shall be burned after cutting off the damaged branches. The aphids and pears that can destroy the fruit trees can be eliminated. The wintering eggs of various aphids, such as fork crickets and yellow mealybugs.

2. The nuisance-free pesticide used to spray 5% diesel emulsion evenly on the fruit trees before germination in early spring. It can not only kill overwintering worm eggs of apple aphids, pear birch, yellowflies and peach aphids that are overwintering in fruit trees. Prevention of leafhoppers and scale insects also has good results. After the flowering of the fruit trees, 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 6000 times, or 1.8% abamectin EC 6000-8000 times, or 50% anti-inferiority WP 2000 times, or 20% killer chrysanthemum Emulsion emulsifiable concentrate 3000 times evenly sprays on fruit trees and kills a variety of aphid eggs such as peach aphid.

Non-polluting control of food-heart and tick-like pests:

1. Prevention and control of fruit-feeding worms After entering the winter, until the fruit trees sprout, scrape the old bark of fruit trees and burn them, remove the ropes and struts used for hanging trees. In early spring, it is the period of overwintering larvae de-fruiting. On the trunk, Sedum can be trapped for overwintering Pingxiaoxiaoxinxin, Xiaoxiaoxinxin, etc. After 1 month, the straw bunch was burned to kill.

2. When preventing and controlling pests and pupae, combine winter pruning to cut out overwintering buds. When the fruit tree is at flowering stage, if there are flower buds and withered inflorescences on the tree that do not fall off scales, it indicates that there are fruit larvae lurking and the larvae must be killed immediately. In orchards with high density of larvae, we must seize the overwintering pests, and use the 20% methionin EC or 25% Kungfu EC 2500-3000 times for the fruit trees to be sprayed evenly, and spray them within 12 hours after spraying. , should be sprayed again as described above.

Non-pollution control of moth pests:

1. Forestry measures The larvae of moth pests are often hidden in overhanging conditions such as fruit trees. After entering the winter, the old bark of the main branch of the fruit tree and the old bark on the periphery of the sawdust shall be scraped off in time, and the dry leaves on the trunk shall be extirpated to kill the overwintering larvae of the cotton brown beetle. When the overwintering moth of budworm moth does not fall in winter, the moth should be cut in combination with the winter cut of the fruit tree, and burned or buried deeply. In the early spring, if the fruit trees are found in the growth period, the insects of cotton brown moth and bud white moth must be eliminated and killed in time. During the winter and spring seasons, the deciduous orchards in the orchard must be thoroughly cleaned, the overwintering winter and winter-type adults of the leafminer must be scraped off, and at the same time, in combination with the soil, the green thorns and flat moths that scorch the winter in the top soil surrounding the base of the trunk should be excavated. , cut off the moth on the fruit tree overwintering and concentrating on killing.

2. The selection of pollution-free pesticides in early spring is the most favorable time for killing the fruit tree moth pests. The following agents can be used: 50% dichlorvos EC 1000 times, or 20% cypermethrin EC 3000 times; Or 2.5% Kung Fu EC 3000 times solution; or Bt Bio-Insecticide 500-1000 times solution; or Beauveria Beauveriae 2 kg plus 48% Rospenser EC 0.15 kg, add water 75 kg evenly on the ground around the tree plate; Or 40% of nicotine sulfate aqueous solution 800-1000 times; or 25% diflubenzuron 3, suspension of 1500-2000 times liquid evenly spray, can effectively kill orchard damage gold orchard, moth, peach aphid Overwintering larvae of orchard moths such as fruit moths, leaf miners and leaf roller moths. If it is rained after spraying, re-spray according to the above method.

Vacuum Sweet Corn Kernels

For the most common waxy and sweet corn on the market, waxy corn has a higher nutrient content than regular corn, containing 70-75% starch (and almost all straight-chain starch), more than 10% protein, 4-5% fat and 2% multivitamins, with more grains, VA, VB1 and VB2 in protein than rice, with the highest fat and VB2 content. Yellow maize also contains carotenoids, such as rice and wheat. The molecular weight of waxy maize starch is more than 10 times smaller than that of ordinary maize, and the starch makes glutinous rice sticky and soft, softer than ordinary hard maize. It is more than 20% more digestible to eat than regular maize and it is suitable for people with less than perfect teeth. At the same time, it is not suitable for diabetics because of the very high content of straight-chain starch (a polysaccharide).

Waxy maize is also known as sticky maize. The grain has coarse, waxy endosperm, similar to shiny, glassy (clear) grains such as hard and dent maize. Its chemical and physical characteristics are controlled by a recessive gene, which is located on chromosome 9. 100% of the starch in the endosperm is straight-chain starch.

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